Siri Speaks Bank Balance & More

Oct. 21 2011

A few days ago, I found a SMS tip on Mashable that enables Siri to send Tweets.

Upon following the instructions (apply these same instructions for services listed below) and verifying my number with Twitter, I told Siri, "Text Twitter, Hello," where she successfully published the tweet. Immediately after this tweet was published I thought this SMS tip could be applied to other web services, like Facebook, my bank,, (send money to friends) & others too.

Below I've listed some of the services I tested successfully. Some like Facebook & Twitter are a one step process, while Siri retreiving your bank balance is a two way process. I tried Foursquare, but their SMS offering has too many steps (three) currently to work with Siri. They need to just make it one quick step, like, "Tell Foursquare zip code" to check in.

I must say using Siri to grab my bank balance even when it's a two step process is quicker and smoother then loading an app/webpage, then signing in and then waiting for it to load.

Do you know any good web services with a SMS component to suggest? I'd love to hear your suggestions!


A thank you goes out to The Electric Pig & Business Insider for their re-posts of this article!